Friday 24 September 2010

Why Most People Are Not Successful

My grandmother taught me to use elbow grease when I was a little girl and it’s something I still use today in my life. Elbow grease is about hard work and commitment, a willingness sometimes to do what others don’t want to do.
What does the word success mean to you?
The word success will mean different things to various people and the number one reason why people are not successful is we are sometimes not willing to do what it takes. The second reason is very often we are too lazy and make excuses like: 
  • I have not got enough time.
  • The economy.
  • Not enough money.
All of the above are excuses not reasons why…

I learned many years ago that knowledge is not power. It is the implementation of knowledge that is power. In simpler terms, it’s not what we know that matters; it’s what we do with what we know that makes the difference.

You have created everything that has happened in your life both the good and the bad. Every day that you live, what you think about, talk about is what comes about in your life.

Three Tips on How to Be Successful:
  1. Know what you want.
  2. Take action towards your goals each day.
  3. Be and feel successful now.




Saturday 18 September 2010

The Old Model Of Leadership Is Dead

With the world going through some of the deepest changes in history, its great that at last, everyone from CEOs to MPs and World Leaders are saying it’s time to take responsibility.

I love Robin Sharma’s new book ‘The Leader Who Had No Title’. He challenges each and every one of us to lead without a title.

Go out and create your own economy.

Six Steps on How to Become a Social Artist of the Future:

  1. Look at the current rituals you live by each day.
  2. When you change your inner world, your outer world will change.
  3. Write down a one page vision of what you will look like when you are playing your leadership best.
  4. Do one thing within the next 24 hours that will take you to the next level of being a great social artist.
  5. Leave your ego at the door.
  6. Learn to say what you mean and mean what you say.
It’s an extraordinary time to be alive, make a commitment to yourself to take responsibility and be the best that only you can be… and never forget that on the other side of fear lives possibility.

It’s time for the social artist to emerge fully in the world and teach people how to move from victimhood to leadership.

I encourage you to look for opportunities in what others call problems. Look at your daily rituals and question yourself.  Is what you are doing in your life working? If not, change it!

Stop being a victim of circumstances, it’s time to lead.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Make a Difference or Get Out of My Way

I recently heard a quote that came from Bono. 
“If you are not going to make a difference, get out of my way.”

At first I was shocked and thought the quote was a bit harsh, then after contemplating on it, I grew to like the quote more and more. It got me thinking about the word responsibility.

We live in a world today where there is a denial of self-responsibility.  We blame everyone and everything except ourselves.  Yet if we look at some of the greatest leaders alive today, they take responsibility and make higher choices each day.

When we take responsibility for who and what we are, we realise that little things do matter and that as you live your days so you craft your life.

Six rules on how to make a difference:
  1. Believe in yourself when no one else believes in you.
  2. Know and understand that not everyone is going to like what you do.
  3. Take responsibility to be the best that you can be.
  4. Know that the more you make a difference, the more you will be tested.
  5. Surround yourself with people who really make a difference.
  6. Making a difference is about taking massive action and going down the road less travelled.
When you commit your life to making a difference, you will live from that vibration and all else will fall away…

Saturday 4 September 2010


It’s a true saying, if you want to lose two hours, go on the internet for five minutes.
I have been pondering on the word distractions.
Why? Because it was the end of August 2010 and I had set myself the task of having two new mini books written.
Did I succeed? No!
Why? Because I caught the procrastinator’s virus and I used the excuse of tomorrow I will start… Well, tomorrow came and went.
Have you ever been there, where you are really cross with yourself and you just say enough, no more?
That’s what happened to me and here’s what I did and it worked.
  1. Before you fall asleep, let your thoughts be of writing, see yourself writing.
  2. Make a decision to get up early, 5am if possible.
  3. When you awake, let your mind wander to the day ahead and feel excited about what you are about to do.
  4. Go downstairs, make yourself an early morning drink, grab a pen and paper, find a place to sit and start writing.
  5. Set the discipline of writing for at least 60 minutes before rewarding yourself with a mini-break.
  6. Don’t turn on your computer (distraction).
  7. Don’t grab the morning paper or turn on the news (distraction).
Since putting the above disciplines in my life, I have now completed the next two mini books.
Embrace your procrastinator, shut out distractions and take action one minute at a time.